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Boosting Accuracy of Laser Additive Manufacturing

BALSAM project addresses the problem of surface quality and geometric accuracy in Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM). This project is carried out at the University of Luxembourg and Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology as a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship under the supervision of Prof. Peter Plapper. BALSAM project has the scope to strengthen cross-border cooperation in the field of R&D and promote excellent research for LAM and provide room for further studies at the fundamental and applied levels. 


The overall objective of the BALSAM project is to provide methods, models and tools of sensing and control design suitable for a LAM system 


Monitoring System

Developing a monitoring system for collecting experimental data and detecting typical faults in the LAM process


Control System

Designing a novel control system for improving surface quality and geometric accuracy in LAM


Prototype Implementation 

A prototype implementation to perform experiments and measurements to validate the controller performance during real-time operations.

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This project has received funding from Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101064640

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